Wednesday, October 14, 2015

How did I get in the social class that I am in?

I don't like speculating on anything related to Zhang Ziyi,
but it began during the release of ":Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon'
and me not liking the wire work, and just ignoring it all together,
their is no real athletic prowess that goes into wire work, you are
kind of just being pulled around by a crane.  That's that.

So I began to realize that I was a target audience since it was
marketed under the martial arts genre, and I didn't have cable
television at the time, (hence my knowledge of Mark Twain's
rare books below, I would never have even read them if I were
watching cable) so I never realized how my interests were
getting assimilated into the mainstream.

So I went thru this void, of releasing an album that was inspired
by nothing that was on TV, and only saw Crouching Tiger thru
the DVD player at someone else house.  This was when I was
getting away from listening to the Beach Boys and Kool Keith
and more into reggae, but I named a song "Smile' after one of
the albums my friend gave me by the Beach Boys.

By the time I quit the job where I worked, I had the album
finished, a year after that it underwent duplication but I had to
go to the hospital, and was inpatient a second time after the
CD's arrived, for exhaustion.  Anyway, I had to graduate in
exchange for getting out of the day program that I was in and
also, wound up on social networking after I had been thru that
ordeal, (having to finish school and marketing my CD was not
easy either)

So I got onto social networking sites like Myspace, and met
a lot of people from Honolulu with a record label I knew called
"The Mountain Apple Company' and did phenomenally well until
I tried to link it back together with people I knew who knew me
from listening to Kool Keith, and I left those people's pages to
pursue Taiwanese related culture, like Hsu Fengs, and traced that
back to Zhang Ziji because I remembered her from the film that
she was in. 

I have the lawyer giving her this blogger profile thru a URL
address, but being"the highest paid actress in the world' and
not following her closely enough to understand why, seems to
be a tad bit disconcerting. because I am just a "targeted"
audience, and she's not in touch with me as much as she thinks
she is in touch with people, who, if for the most part, knew of
me, my past, the struggles I had releasing a simple CD for a
few thousand dollars.  It's beyond words, how thoughtlessly
she could spend amounts that are similar to what I suffered
years for, like she could spend the equivalent on transportation
to a restaurant, buying dinner, limousine, etc, in one night that
I spent recording and duplicating all of the songs on my record,
'the road to abylon'-

I hope I am doing the right thing, trying to meet her, it doesn't
feel good, waiting for lawyers to call you back and even worse
them pretending to not be there when you call, but as long as
that information comes in handy to someone else, I'll be more
than happy I embarked on that in the first place.

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